When did Karat Packaging Inc. go public?

April 15, 2021

What is Karat Packaging Inc.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol KRT.

What is Karat Packaging Inc.’s CUSIP number?

CUSIP number is 48563L101

When was the Company founded?

The company was founded as Lollicup USA, Inc. in San Gabriel, CA in 2000

Where is Karat Packaging Inc.’s headquarters located?

6185 Kimball Ave,
Chino, CA 91708

When is Karat Packaging Inc.’s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Karat Packaging Inc.’s transfer agent?

Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

5 Dakota Drive, Suite 300,

Lake Success, NY 11042

Phone: 1 800-353-0103

Email: shareholder@broadridge.com

What should I do if I lose my stock certificate or need to change my address?

Please contact our transfer agent, as listed above.

Who is Karat Packaging Inc.'s outside legal counsel?

Akerman LLP

Los Angeles, CA

How can I contact the Karat Packaging Inc. Board of Directors?

You can contact our Board at:

Karat Packaging Inc. Board of Directors

C/O: Jian Guo

6185 Kimball Ave.,

Chino, CA 91708